Erin DaRosa, MBA, RDN, LD, CDCES
Erin is a Certified Diabetes Education and Care Specialist with over 20 years experience and a demonstrated history of working in various healthcare roles in the diabetes space. Her knowledge provides a unique perspective to view the healthcare system through different lenses. The common thread throughout her career has been Educator, skilled at taking complex subjects, advancing knowledge, disseminating truth and helping people and organizations access the tools, resources, and understanding needed to change behavior and promote health. Erin holds a B.S. in Nutrition from Penn State and Healthcare MBA from The University of St Thomas, Opus College of Business. She has experience in nutrition consulting, working in the Pharmaceutical Industry, and clinical expertise in both inpatient and outpatient diabetes care.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:10/17/2023Date updated:11/12/2024