Please answer the following questions to help us determine this activity’s effectiveness in meeting the identified educational needs.

We appreciate your participation in this activity and value your feedback.

e.g.: Family Medicine, Cardiology, Ob/Gyn, etc.
1= Poor: Provided no new knowledge or strategies I can apply 2= Fair: Provided minimal new knowledge with limited strategies I can apply 3= Neutral: Reinforced current knowledge and strategies I currently apply 4= Good: Addressed gaps in knowledge and offered some strategies I will consider applying 5= Excellent: Addressed gaps in knowledge and offered strategies I will apply
12345Did not attend
Session 1 - Contact Sport Event Preparedness – Joi Thomas
Session 1 - Preparticipation Medical Evaluation – David Olson, MD
Session 2 - Trauma to the Torso – Alexandria Taylor, MD
Session 2 - Concussion Sideline Evaluation – Reggie Ronning, AT
Session 2 - Facial Trauma – David Hamlar, MD, DDS
Session 3 - Keeping Players in the Game – Caitlin Chambers, MD; David Hamlar, MD, DDS; Brad Nelson, MD; Reggie Ronning, AT; Alexandria Taylor, MD
Session 4 - Posterior Shoulder Instability – Justin Arner, MD
Session 4 - Scaphoid Fractures – Jeffrey Husband, MD
Session 4 - Elbow Dislocation – Chad Myeroff, MD
Session 5 - Evaluation and Initial Management – Dustin Richter, MD
Session 5 - Posterior Cruciate Ligament – Anil Ranawat, MD
Session 5 - Posterolateral Corner Injury – Daniel Whelan, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Session 6 - Multiligamentous Knee Injury – Anil Ranawat, MD; Dustin Richter, MD; Daniel Whelan, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Session 7 - Athletic Hip Fracture and Dislocation – Emily Wagstrom, MD
Session 7 - Long Bone Fractures – Erik Lund, MD
Session 7 - Rehabilitation of the MMA Athlete – Olivia Abdoo, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS
1 = Not at all able 10 = Extremely able
Before the activity:
After the activity:
Identify the role of conservative and operative management in the treatment of the contact athlete
Apply strategies to assess the role of evidence-based rehabilitation as a treatment option and in considerations for contact athletes
Describe the latest surgical techniques for common injuries sustained by contact athletes
Program was free of commercial bias
Appropriate disclosure of conflict of interest was made for each speaker, author and/or planner
Educational content covered was balanced and evidenced-based
Information provided was relevant to your scope of practice
Instructional methods used during this activity appropriate for the content and audience
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