Evaluation & MOC: IM Dept

Please answer the following questions to help us determine this series effectiveness in meeting the identified educational needs.

We appreciate your participation in this series and value your feedback.

e.g.: Family Medicine, Cardiology, Ob/Gyn, etc.
1= Poor: Provided no new knowledge or strategies I can apply 2= Fair: Provided minimal new knowledge with limited strategies I can apply 3= Neutral: Reinforced current knowledge and strategies I currently apply 4= Good: Addressed gaps in knowledge and offered some strategies I will consider applying 5= Excellent: Addressed gaps in knowledge and offered strategies I will apply
12345Did not attend
Name, Credentials
Name, Credentials
1 = Not at all able 10 = Extremely able
Before the series:
After the series:
Insert objective question here
Insert objective question here
Insert objective question here
Session was free of commercial bias
Appropriate disclosure of conflict of interest was made for each speaker, author and/or planner
Educational content covered was balanced and evidenced-based
Information provided was relevant to your scope of practice
Instructional methods used during this activity appropriate for the content and audience

As an accredited CME provider we are able to partner with select ABMS boards to designate MOC/Continuing Certification Credits/Points. This activity is approved for the boards listed below. You can click the hyperlinked board(s) to check for your Board ID number:

It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM and/or ABS credit. Please answer the following questions in order to proceed.

By responding “Yes” I agree to allow the HealthPartners Office of CME to share my completion information with the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and/or the American Board of Surgery (ABS) and the ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) so that points can be uploaded to my transcript.
Verify that your name below appears how it is registered with ABIM. Make changes if necessary.
Select the Board(s) you are claiming credit for:
American Board of Internal Medicine

Please write a reflective statement on how you intend to change your practice based on the knowledge you gained from participating in this activity. Upon review and approval of your statement, your points will be submitted to the ABIM by the CME office.

A good reflective statement includes:

  • What you learned as a result of the activity & what will you do with new information
  • Any areas for improvement
  • Plans for future learning or sustainability

Generic statements such as "Good conference. I learned a lot" or "This helps me treat my patients" will not be approved.
