
Please answer the following questions to help us determine this activity’s effectiveness in meeting the identified educational needs.

We appreciate your participation in this activity and value your feedback.

1= Poor: Provided no new knowledge or strategies I can apply 2= Fair: Provided minimal new knowledge with limited strategies I can apply 3= Neutral: Reinforced current knowledge and strategies I currently apply 4= Good: Addressed gaps in knowledge and offered some strategies I will consider applying 5= Excellent: Addressed gaps in knowledge and offered strategies I will apply
12345Did not attend
Genia Dahl, MD
1 = Not at all able 10 = Extremely able
Before the activity:
After the activity:
Program was free of commercial bias
Appropriate disclosure of conflict of interest was made for each speaker, author and/or planner
Educational content covered was balanced and evidenced-based
Information provided was relevant to your scope of practice
Instructional methods used during this activity appropriate for the content and audience